Press & friends


In this section we showcast the work of our past guests, who we have had the pleasure of hosting, riding with and spending quality time with, while they create some great snowboarding stories for this industry we love!


Cold smoke, Jake. photo: Claudio Vicuña

Jake Blauvelt and Nate Avila

“Ride along with Jake Blauvelt and get to know the people who made this snowboard adventure possible. ‘Experiencing Chile is a true treat and getting to roam the Andes on snowmobiles with Dos Tiempos and stay with a local family in Lo Valdes made it that much better. Can’t wait to get down there again!’ Said Jake. Featuring Cristian Wehrhahn & Paulo Audisio of Dos Tiempos guide service. 
Directed by Nathan Avila of Collab Films.” – COLLAB FILMS

You've probably never heard of Ten Sleep, Wyoming-it has a booming population of 260, after all. As a world-renowned pro snowboarder, it would appear that Ma...

Ingrained - YETI

Growing up as a ranch kid in Wyoming, Mark Carter was raised on small-town realities like fixing a fence and branding cattle. Not exactly a typical candidate for a professional snowboarder.

Featuring: Mark Carter

Run time: 8 Minutes, Chile is on minute 3:10

Nick Russel y’all

Nick Russel y’all


Danny Davis, a gifted snowboarder with a knack for riding halfpipe, thinks he has seen it all; from contest podiums on the world stage to backcountry trips in both hemispheres, he has quite literally been living a dream.

Jake Blauvelt

Jake Blauvelt

Ride - In Due Time

This past summer, Jake Blauvelt and Hana Beaman headed to the Southern Hemisphere to explore the Andes with Chilean legends Christian Wehrhahn and Paulo Audisio. Christian and Paulo own and operate a sled outfit called Dos Tiempos, which translates to "Two Times." 

Tail grab on another natural feature into powder Jake Blauvelt

Tail grab on another natural feature into powder Jake Blauvelt

Snowboarder Magazine - RIDE SNOWBOARDS IN CHILE

The terrain that the Dos Tiempos boys have at their fingertips is hard to explain. From wide open glacial fields in the high alpine to pinner-tight chutes and couloirs zigging and zagging down the faces of these peaks, it's remarkable what they have access to on a daily basis. Blauvelt and Beaman were equally impressed with the terrain, and it showed in their productivity.

The opportunity on this trip is like a dream come true, I´ve got the locals taking me to all the best spots so, yeah it couldn´t be much better so...
— Nicolas Müller
Nicolas Müller photo: Tim Zimmerman

Nicolas Müller photo: Tim Zimmerman

John J. and Jake B. scoping things

John J. and Jake B. scoping things

The Book of John J. s2e6 Super Bueno - Red Bull

John Jackson visits Chile and Argentina with Jake Blauvelt, heading up from the 100°f desert to freezing cold of the Andes. Hike and drive along with them as they find everything from the fresh powder of Chile to Argentina’s rockier terrain.

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Arbor´s Bryan Iguchi and Mark Carter

“Chile is an incredible place for a multitude of reasons. Between the amazing terrain, the friendly people, and unique culture, it’s a place without equal anywhere in the world. This atmosphere draws in plenty of riders, with the Arbor crew gladly answering that call. Bryan Iguchi and Mark Carter make the trek to experience some awesome zones and explore the local culture, resulting in the latest Video Log from Arbor.”

Andy Mahre by Colton Jacobs K2

Andy Mahre by Colton Jacobs K2

K2 Mindbender Ski Test

The boys getting ready

Huellas Snow Video Chile - El Colorado Soldires

Our friend from Chile, Paulo Audisio sent over the trailer for Huellas, a film he has been working on with Manuel Diaz, Cristian Wehrhahn, Jaime Venturelli, and Stone Parker as they travel the globe. Footage was collected in Chile, Russia, India, Japan, and Stevens Pass. If the impressive rider list and exotic locales isn’t enough to win you over, the description on the video is below:

Esto es una pequeña muestra de lo que han sido algunos de nuestros viajes en busca de las montañas soñadas, los terrenos inexplorados, y toda la cultura que rodea el misticismo de vivir nuestra pasión en la nieve. Esperamos caminar y dejar bien marcadas nuestras Huellas por el mundo y en un futuro presentarles esta gran producción.

The satanic penguin

Manuel Diaz is Chile’s biggest snowboard star, Visiones is his video, and it showcases his power on a snowboard. Most of it is filmed in Alaska and elsewhere, but it shows the way a snowboard should be ridden, and it will inspire you to go bigger next time, and that is why it is relevant on our website. He is a Farellones local and visits us very often.